


CEO Message

As I look back and see the growth over the years since Taewoong Medical Co., Ltd was founded in 1991, I am very proud of successfully becoming a leading medical device provider exporting to more than 70 countries.

As Taewoong continues on to develop, I believe that it is our duty as both a manufacturer and as an exporter of medical products to take pride to contribute to the health and wellbeing of everyone as a comprehensive provider of medical devices.

We will continue to make every effort to enhance the quality of life and health for our clients. Also, we will carry out efforts on research and development to satisfy the faith clients put in Taewoong products and will strive to provide even better services to open up further international opportunities.

Although the challenges ahead are great, I am confident and convinced that our team of talented and committed professionals will deliver solid and outstanding products to all markets. Taewoong Medical’s focus is to provide the best of the best to everyone around the world.

In return to your constant support and interest, Taewoong will continue to put its full efforts and do its best to answer to the needs of our clients.

CEO  Shin Kyong Min